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Tag : emotional

Secondhand Smoke May Damage a Child's Brain

By Dr. Jerry Mixon August 18, 2013

Secondhand smoke damages the brains of children. A recent study that followed 91,000 children under the age of 12 demonstrated that secondhand smoke exposure increased learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and psychiatric problems by 50% or more.

It turns out that secondhand smoke has a dramatic impact on the developing brain. Young people who are still developing their mental and emotional capacity seem to be at high risk of damage. Since smokers tend to be people with less education, and less earning power, the children of the poor are impacted by this more than any other group.

Unfortunately, these are also the parents that are least likely to recognize that their smoking is damaging their children’s brain and limiting what they can achieve for the rest of their lives. I have one good suggestion to solve this problem: if you smoke, stop.

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Women: Be Blunt with Your Man

By Dr. Jerry Mixon July 29, 2013

It drives men crazy when a woman says, “well, if I have to tell you,” but here’s a newsflash – you do need to tell us.

The brains of men and women function very differently. We do not perceive ourselves or the world around us in the same way. Women are extremely good at interpreting body language and nonverbal social cues. We men are only good at recognizing potential threats. Men are pretty much hopeless when it comes to recognizing the social and emotional needs of a woman.

It’s not that we are trying to ignore you. It’s not that we don’t care. We just stink at nonverbal communication.

If you want the man in your life to know something, tell him. Tell him straight out, in simple words, and be sure you have his attention when you say it. Otherwise, we will miss what you’re trying to convey.

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