Maximum absorption of essential nutrients for optimal health.
By bypassing the digestive system, IV Vitamin Therapy allows for safe administration of higher, more effective doses.
Our IV Vitamin Therapy offers 100% nutrient bioavailability.
It boosts immune function, energy, and vitality, improves cognitive performance, speeds recovery from illness and stress, and offers personalized treatment protocols for optimal health.

As we age collagen rapidly declines.
Collagen is crucial for maintaining skin structure, elasticity, hydration, joint lubrication, and even the strength of bones and muscles.
The nutrients provided through IV therapy are essential for maintaining optimal cellular health and turnover.
At Longevity we support the body’s ability to regenerate, repair, and maintain optimal function.
Our comprehensive IV therapy menu includes the Myers' Cocktail for immune support and energy, NAD+ Infusion for cellular energy and anti-aging, and Glutathione for detoxification and skin health.

What is IV Therapy?
An Infusion of Myers’ Cocktail, NAD+ or other types of ingredients changes the way cells function; providing a rapid influx of fuel to get more done or clearing out free radicals that would otherwise cause oxidative damage. The ingredients are absorbed quickly and blood levels normalize within 48 hours and the benefits continue well beyond that.
How often should I get IV Therapy?
Ideal times for infusions include before/after travel, illness recovery, or sports events to boost performance and recovery. Frequency varies based on goals, but for most, once a month for 3-6 months is typical. Those with chronic metabolic or cardiovascular conditions may see better results with more frequent sessions.
What IV Therapies do you offer?
Myers’ Cocktail which is an infusion of B and C vitamins, Calcium and Magnesium. It provides immune support, mental clarity, and a boost of energy.
NAD+ which is a super powerful form of vitamin B3. It slows down aging, boosts metabolism, and optimizes brain performance.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammatory free radicals and restores your body's antioxidant reserves. It reduces brain fog, signs of aging and cancer risk.
Check out our Blog where we talk about our research in even more depth.