Green Tea for Great Health

Have you ever wondered why Asian cultures tend to be thin? Part of the answer may be green tea.
Have you ever wondered why Asian cultures tend to be thin? Part of the answer may be green tea.
Fat cells, like every cell in your body, eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Green tea contains chemicals that inhibit the formation of new fat cells. They don’t do anything to the fat cells that already exist, but they do make it harder for your body to make new fat cells.
This means that green tea will not cause you to lose weight in the short run. But consistent consumption over a long period of time will make it harder and harder for your body to replace those fat cells as they wear out. And here’s a hint for those who don’t like the taste of green tea. You don’t need to drink it. You can eat it. Try sprinkling tea in your salads, mixing it into every vegetable dish that you cook, throw some into casseroles, or use it as a garnish.
Your body doesn’t know or care how he gets into your system, just get it there.


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