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Tag : antigen

Has Science Discovered the Crystal Ball for Cancer?

By Dr. Jerry Mixon March 15, 2011

At Longevity Medical Clinic we often talk to our patients about detecting and preventing cancer. It’s something on the minds of most of us, since we all know that, when it comes to treating cancer, early detecting is critical. One of my patients recently asked me about they had read concerning an early detection test for cancer. Are these tests valid, or do they offer a false hope?

In fact, thanks to advances in early detection, there are now some promising tests for cancer. These tests look for what we call “markers” – early signs of cancer.  But the fact is that each cancer has its own specific set of markers, sometimes as many as 30 or 40 that doctors can actually measure. In many cases, in order to get an early detection test that is statistically valid, doctors need to combine 15 or 20 of these markers. You can see how complicated this can get.

Let’s consider one specific example – lung cancer. Almost 5 years ago, medical journals began

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